What’s this site about?
LEA is an acronym for an innovative research + app concerning the so-called LEA-axis. With the letters taken from the ancient Greek words Lipto | Cholé | Algos.
This LEA-axis connects psychology & changing dietary needs affecting vascular calcification / atherosclerosis.
The research aim is to find suitable partners to help test the LEA-axis theory. This research is split up into four main clusters:
* Depression & calcification
* Diabetes & inflammatory fluctuations
* Dietary restriction & lipid configuration
* Osteoporosis & vascular misrepair.
The LEA-axis helps explain why these four clusters are connected, affecting increase or decreasing of vascular inflammation and calcification.
Through LEA research we can help change lifestyles, lessen chronic inflammation, and speed up vascular woundhealing.
…And all of this with one app: LEA Score.
This innovative LEA-axis theory is boiled down to a digital questionnaire; the LEA Score app. Answering these questions will provide the LEA research with essential data, for instance to be compared with control groups.
If we can test and prove the groundbreaking theory of the LEA-axis, then through the LEA Score app, we found an easily accessible way for people to help them find out how their psychological & dietary lifestyle is impacting their scoring on:
* Vascular health
* Insuline levels
* Bone metabolism
And based on this testing the app can be refined.
LEA Score the app is thus made possible via the LEA-axis research, and vice versa. So both research and app feed off and strengthen each other.
In short, ultimate goals are to effect the LEA research. And parallel to this to construct and provide a clinically tested, low-threshold application, so that in the near future LEA Score will be made accessible to any interested potential user in the medical field and/ or general population.
The research aim is to find suitable partners to help test the LEA-axis theory. This research is split up into four main clusters:
* Depression & calcification
* Diabetes & inflammatory fluctuations
* Dietary restriction & lipid configuration
* Osteoporosis & vascular misrepair.
The LEA-axis helps explain why these four clusters are connected, affecting increase or decreasing of vascular inflammation and calcification.
Through LEA research we can help change lifestyles, lessen chronic inflammation, and speed up vascular woundhealing.
…And all of this with one app: LEA Score.
This innovative LEA-axis theory is boiled down to a digital questionnaire; the LEA Score app. Answering these questions will provide the LEA research with essential data, for instance to be compared with control groups.
If we can test and prove the groundbreaking theory of the LEA-axis, then through the LEA Score app, we found an easily accessible way for people to help them find out how their psychological & dietary lifestyle is impacting their scoring on:
* Vascular health
* Insuline levels
* Bone metabolism
And based on this testing the app can be refined.
LEA Score the app is thus made possible via the LEA-axis research, and vice versa. So both research and app feed off and strengthen each other.
In short, ultimate goals are to effect the LEA research. And parallel to this to construct and provide a clinically tested, low-threshold application, so that in the near future LEA Score will be made accessible to any interested potential user in the medical field and/ or general population.

The research
The research is founded on an innovative proces explanatory theory; the LEA-axis, which connects psychology with specific dietary needs/ metabolic state, either increasing or reducing health risk.
The LEA-axis helps explain why depression is intertwined with comorbidities metabolic syndrome/ diabetes and (bone) metabolism issues, leading up to possible cardiovascular complications, like calcification and plaque build-up.
The app
LEA Score is a lifestyle awareness app, providing insight into metabolic and psychological scores, possibly leading to vascular complications.
You set up your LEA Score profile and in return you access your psycho-metabolic score.
The LEA Score app
Are you suffering from depression?
Do you have metabolic issues, like diabetes?
Or do you think you might be at risk for bone metabolism issues, such as osteoporosis, or at cardiovascular risk?
How does it work?
Discover your psycho-metabolic score in 15 minutes with LEA Score!
LEA Score is a so-called lifestyle awareness app, and presents a personal scoring value on vascular inflammation, linked to a profile on diabetes, depression, and bone metabolism.
LEA Score presents your own psychological and metabolic profile, personalized.
Beginnings & Beyond
What we need is you… For example:
Help fill out the LEA Score questionnaire to provide us with data so we can test the theory! Go to the mobile app page to download the app.
Do you work in a clinic or university? Or are you a specialist in the field of biochemistry/ physiology/ (bone) metabolism or depression? Sign up as a partner-in-science to help further the research with your expertise or facilities with the button below!
Or perhaps you’re just curious and you would like to find out more? Maybe you’d even like to have a presentation by us? Then please hit the button below!
LEA Research science & breakthroughs...
* Why dietary restriction is beneficial to woundhealing.
* How specific diet can intensify inflammation.
* How vitamin D synthesis and insulin sensitivity are linked to all this.
We can get to scientific breakthroughs,
Together with LEA Score!
Wanna make a life change now?
Start with LEA Score yesterday!